Canadian Visa Expert - Tech Sector

Impressive Growth Reported in Windsor’s Tech Sector

There has been remarkable growth in the tech sector in Windsor, Ontario. According to Canadian Visa Expert, the local potential of Windsor has attracted highly-valued tech individuals into the city.
For example, Vipul Patel moved from India to Windsor eight months ago to headquarter his telecommunications firm in Canada.
In his words:

“Windsor is my first choice of a city to headquarter my firm because of the support I received from the Downtown Windsor Business Accelerator when I was planning to move into Canada. Also, Windsor is a great city with an extensive local manufacturing base and easy access to the U.S. market. All these benefits will greatly enable us to expand across the globe.”

Canadian Visa Expert could confirm that the intent of Patel’s company to manufacture its phone products made him headquarters his firm in Windsor. 

“Though our equipment is manufactured in China and other Asian countries, we plan to manufacture locally in Windsor,” Patel said.

Statistics show the radical growth in Windsor's tech sector.

According to Canadian Visa Expert, Windsor is Canada’s fourth-largest growing tech city. The Ontario city comes right behind Mississauga, Montreal, and Waterloo.

In the past year, the tech space in Windsor saw an increase of 28 per cent in the number of people categorized as workers in the tech sector, with 557 tech workers migrating to the city from outside the country.

Windsor has enjoyed the largest percentage growth in the nation over the last year and remains one of Canada’s fastest-growing tech cities.
